A Tennessee Department of Transportation spokeswoman said last week work to replace the Hwy. 70 W. bridge over the Obed River has resumed after a setback of less than two months.
“While installing abutments for the bridge, rock was encountered closer to the surface than expected,” said Rae Ann Bradley, TDOT Region 2 communications officer, “and work was temporarily halted while TDOT provided a new design to accommodate for the discovery.”
The bridge, on the edge of Crossville toward Sparta, has been closed since mid-September. At that time, TDOT estimated the project would take 13 months to finish, with a completion date set for Nov. 30. Bradley confirmed Friday that the setback means the contract has been extended for about two months.
Some in the community had said the discovery of an endangered or threatened species of frog was holding up work.
Bradley said that was not the case.
“At this time, we’re not aware of any endangered or threatened species within the project limits,” she said.
Work on replacing the bridge has forced many to take detours or alternate routes around the busy area. The official detour utilizes Northside Dr. from Tennessee Ave. to Hwy. 70 N.
In addition to the bridge, the left-turn lane from Sparta Dr. onto Miller Ave. at the Five Points intersection was closed by city officials due to anticipated increased traffic.
Other road projects TDOT reports are underway in Cumberland County include widening, bridge construction and paving along Hwy. 127 N. to Fentress County; completion of the roundabout at Hwy. 70 E., Peavine Rd. and Milo Lemert Parkway; grading, drainage, signals and paving along Hwy. 127 S. and Hwy. 68; and construction activities from Hwy. 127 N. along Interstate Dr. to Genesis Rd.
Many of the construction projects are weather dependent.