Is true love to be or not to be for mankind? Does it exist?
Many may have experienced one romantic relationship after another crash and burn, and it’s left them wondering if “true love” is even real. Others may have only experienced conditional love from their parents, where they are shown love only if they’ve been an A+ student, or if they’ve excelled in a successful career, and then there are some people who have been treated their whole lives like the world would be a better place if they were never born. Some broken-hearted people have totally given up on their quest for true love, but for many, even if they’ve been mistreated time and time again, the need for true love still keeps them searching for the priceless gem.
To those that true love has never seemed attainable, allow me to share with you the good news that true love does exists, and it can be found freely in the arms of God, your creator.
There are so many out there who are waiting to feel like they deeply matter to someone, like they are accepted and cherished for who they are, like they are loved in spite of their faults and failures, like they are worth chasing after. God thinks that you are worth chasing after. Jesus says in Luke 19:10 that He “has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” Jesus is lovingly seeking after you. He is pursuing you, to give you the gift of true love. He knows that our search for love will never be fully satisfied unless it’s found in him. That’s the way he hardwired us. I
In romantic relationships, often times people don’t find the love they long for because they hide who they really are from their significant other because of shame, or because they are afraid that if their partner knew their hidden negative qualities, their inner struggles, their thought life and addictions, that they would no longer be loved.
If you only want to show your significant other the best parts about you, then you will not find the depth of love for which you are looking. You need to be transparent about who you are. Take off the mask. Show yourself. Your partner deserves to know the real you, and from here, you can find a deeper realm of love.
However, this is a risk. If your partner’s love is shallow, you may be rejected. So what’s it going to be? Keep living a lie out of fear and keep settling for less than fulfilling love, or take a step of faith, take a risk in search of true love?
There is someone who fully knows you in every way possible. Jesus fully knows the pleasant things about your soul, and he knows the ugly things about your soul that no one else knows, and guess what? He still loves you. He knows all there is to know about you, inside and out, and he loves you.
The greatest expression of his love for you is found in Romans 5:7-8- “Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Even at your darkest, even when you have nothing to offer, He doesn’t say, “This isn’t working out. I think we should split.” No, instead He lovingly invites you into His arms saying, “Come to Me… (Matthew 11:28).” The offer still stands. True love personified, calling you into his embrace!