Music is an important part of any liturgical season at First Presbyterian Church, Dalton, but probably never more so than during Advent and Christmas.
Three special music events are on the church calendar in the remaining days before Christmas and each is unique with a different focus.
On Sunday, Dec. 17, new choir Director Hje Jeong Kwon introduces a Cantata Service that begins at 4:50 p.m. with a 10-minute prelude performed by a chamber orchestra.
“We invite the community to experience the wonders of Christmas through the Scripture readings with a cantata that beautifully and elegantly portrays the Christmas story, performed by our choir and talented local instrumentalists,” Kwon said.
First Presbyterian Church is at the corner of 101 Selvidge St. and Crawford Street in downtown Dalton. There is no admission fee. All are always welcome at First Presbyterian Church.
On Christmas Eve morning at the regular Sunday 10:30 a.m. worship service, the children of the church will tell the Christmas story as only children can through the annual Christmas pageant. There are parents and even grandparents in town and beyond who were once parts of this cast. This year’s pageant, complete with a live infant portraying the Baby Jesus, was written and is directed by Walter Jones and Beverly Higdon and promises to contain spontaneity as well as spirituality.
The third special musical event is the Candlelight Service set for Christmas Eve at 5:30 p.m. The Rev. Ken McKenzie, interim pastor, invites the public to attend all these special Christmas services.