JACKSON, MISS. – As the season slowly changes to autumn, the days get shorter and deer become more active and visible on Mississippi roadways. The Mississippi Department of Transportation reminds motorists to take precautions to avoid collisions with deer.
“There has been a steady rise in deer-vehicle collisions in Mississippi in recent years,” said Brad White, MDOT Executive Director. “Collisions with deer can sometimes be life threatening and make for costly repairs on a vehicle.”
In 2023, there were 4,333 reported deer-related crashes in Mississippi. That is an 8.1% increase from the previous year when there were 3,979 deer-vehicle collisions. This year there have already been over 2,023 deer-related crashes in the Magnolia State.
“Deer are unpredictable animals, especially when startled,” said White. “We encourage drivers to remain alert in morning and dusk hours when deer tend to be more active during mating season, especially near roadways. Motorists should also avoid distractions and always wear a seat belt.”
Motorists should be alert for large animals near the road and have a plan of action. Keeping calm and driving smart will improve chances of avoiding collisions and staying safe on the road.
Though deer season peaks from October through January, remember that deer can run on or near roadways at any time of the year. Practice safe driving at all times and keep these precautions in mind to help get through this time of year accident-free:
— Don’t veer for deer. If a deer runs in front of a moving car, remain calm and brake firmly. Swerving can cause drivers to lose control of their vehicles, causing an even more serious accident.
— Deer are herd animals. If you see one, there are likely more. Take extra caution for deer lingering around the same area.
— Remain vigilant when driving at dawn and dusk. About 20 percent of deer related crashes occur in early morning, while more than half occur between 5 p.m. and midnight.
— Always buckle up for safety and drive at a safe speed.
— At night use high beams, when no traffic is approaching, to illuminate the eyes of deer near the road. Make sure both headlights and high beams are clean and aimed correctly.