DANVERS — The Select Board sat down shortly before 6:30 p.m. Wednesday night, right on the half-hour, and called in the first of the two remaining of the finalists for the town manager post.
The candidates — Jill Cahill, Gloucester town manager since January 2022 and Sean Fitzgerald, former Swampscott town manager for seven years —were given one hour each to answer questions from the board, after which the board would decide whether to pick a finalist or take another six days to consider and announce their decision at their next board meeting on March 12.
Select Board Members Michael Bean, Maureen Bernard, Dutrochet Djoko and David Mills quickly advised Chairperson Dan Bennett of their decisions, and he immediately said the board would meet next week and announce their decision.
He did not mention how that vote went.
Last week, Bennett confirmed that the third finalist candidate, Belmont Town Administrator Patrice Garvin, had withdrawn her name from consideration.
In December 2023, the Danvers Select Board approved a base pay of $219,914 as part of a five-year contract with former Town Manager Steve Bartha who this year exited the Danvers role to become the town manager in Lexington.