THOMASVILLE — The City of Thomasville, in partnership with Keep Thomas County Beautiful and Thomas County Public Works, will host the 2024 ‘Bring One for the Chipper’ Christmas tree recycling program on Saturday, January 6. Once the holiday is over, give Christmas trees new life by recycling them. Citizens can bring their undecorated, live Christmas trees to the recycling center, located at the 1300 block of Remington Avenue behind the Fire Rescue Station in the YMCA parking lot between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
“When you purchase a live tree, you make a conscious choice to improve the environment,” said Jimmy Smith, Jr., Director of Landfill & Solid Waste. “Dropping it off with us after the holidays is the logical next step! We’ll transform it into mulch. We like to call this the act of ‘treecycling’.”
Citizens are asked to take important, safety measures to properly dispose of their live trees. All lights, wires, and decorations should be removed from the trees before they are dropped off at the recycling center. The City of Thomasville’s Solid Waste staff will be on site to help unload trees from vehicles.
For more information about the ‘Bring One for the Chipper’ event, please call the Solid Waste Department at 227-7092.