VALDOSTA – Valdosta City Council tabled the planned development approval requested by Machouse Investments LLC for a non-conventional single-family residential development in the historic district.
The property in question is split-zoned Single-Family Residential (R-6) (1.08 acres) and Duplex Residential (DR-10) (1.12 acres) and is located at 212-216 W, Alden Ave. and 207-209 W. Cranford Ave.
These parcels are situated east of North Oak Street, between West Alden and West Cranford avenues.
Machouse Investments LLC seeks to replat all four contiguous parcels into 11 individual lots for single-family homes, following an overall master plan.
Two of the existing parcels hold historic single-family residences, while the other two are vacant. The proposed development includes new single-family residences on each lot, with the existing historic houses preserved.
City Council followed the staff’s recommendation and voted to table the planned development approval for another month.