WESTPORT — Approximately two dozen Boquet Valley Central School District residents toured the Lake View Campus prior to a meeting of the Facilities Planning Committee to get an understanding of what work has been done and what is needed at the facility as the district continues to contemplate its future.
The committee is considering future steps following the Feb. 15, vote in which the $63,714,975 proposal for a new campus at the Thrall Dam Park site in Lewis was defeated by a “No” — 1,008 to “Yes” – 372 vote.
During the tour conducted by BVCSD Superintendent Joshua Meyer and Lake View Principal Lee Kyler, the group walked through the halls, visited several classrooms as well as the library and cafeteria.
A considerable temperature differential was noticed during the tour with several classrooms having windows kept open approximately one foot to moderate the conditions.
Meyer informed the group that the roof had been replaced and several areas such as in the library had been cleaned up and the flooring replaced after water damage.
Joseph Dragone who has been serving as the external facilitator with the committee conducted the public meeting. Dragone emphasized he is only there to provide information but he has no bearing on any decision.
The committee will be considering many options during its tenure. These include: New pre-k school and facilities at a new site; address all long term efficient and cost effective alternatives; modernize/improve current buildings; move all students to one of the current sites; deal with transportation and athletic components.
Dragone advised the committee, “If we end up with the current buildings the district will need a new site for transportation (bus garage). When you renovate, it doesn’t address other issues such as an athletic field. There are a lot of logistics in renovation. The funding is calculated differently for elementary versus high school.”
While Dragone cautioned that there are no promises on state aid for a new school, “I’d be surprised (if there was less aid than the previous proposal) because of the previous work that has been done.”
Other facts supplied were: The state uses a five-year average on enrollment; athletic fields are not aided, but a bus garage is; renovations and additions generate less than a new campus.
Dragone used an analogy of renovations to vehicle costs, as to whether or not to expend $10,000 to repair an old car.
As for where to locate a new facility if that is decided to be an option since the previous Thrall Dam site may have contributed to the defeat of the previous proposal, committee member Sheera Broderick said, “We have asked the community, but have not received locations. We will look at any place possible.”
Community member Cindy Monty inquired about having a good community survey.
“Wouldn’t it make sense to go out to the voters to ask, ‘what you want?’ If you want the support of the public you need to do more than have a website,” she said.
Dragone replied, “The best way to do this is for the committee to consider the options.”
Tom Bisselle who has been on the previous and current committee referred to information spread in the community concerning the previous project proposal.
“There were many things that were shared that we had not discussed.”
Architect Taylor Woolf of BCA Architects and Engineers discussed and showed photos taken during a site condition survey at both campuses. Generally the survey of the building as well as grounds is required by New York state every five years.
Included were issues with the masonry, non-conforming safety issues, foundation cracking, and mechanical aspects which are at the ends of their useful cycle.
In considering construction/repair costs: Lake View Campus $13,344,200; Mountain View Campus $14,641,350; Transportation $1,846,500.
This amounts for a total cost of $29,832,500. To this is added: Incidentals (22%) $6,712,211; Contingency (15%) 4,474,808; Inflation (4%) $3,379,845 which brings a grand total of $44,598,916.
As for a new campus, there are no specific figures as the committee may be looking at paring down from the previous proposal as well as the possible selection and costs of a new site.
Other considerations are a 30-year bond with a higher reimbursement rate to help pay for a new facility verses 15-year bonding for renovations or adding to the Mountain View Campus.
The state Education Department allows for a ten-year period for a newly created merged district to formally apply for a new campus. Since BVCSD was created in 2019, five years remain.
To review specific costs and information concerning the Facilities Planning Committee, go to: https://boquetvalleycsd.org/capital-project-2/; Or https://boquetvalleycsd.org/facilities-committee/
The next BVCSD board meeting is scheduled for Dec. 10, at 6 p.m. at the Lake View Campus.
The next Facilities Planning Committee meeting is scheduled for Dec. 17, at the Mountain View Campus at 5:30 p.m.
Email Alvin Reiner at: rondackrambler@gmail.com