FITZGERALD- The family of Betty Sims is thrilled to announce the release of “Betty’s Bits,” a poignant collection of quotes written by the late Betty Sims of Fitzgerald, Georgia. This heartwarming tribute became available on Amazon and select retail locations on November 13, 2023.
This touching compilation is a must-read for those seeking inspiration, kindness, and beauty in life’s simplest moments. “Betty’s Bits” not only preserves the legacy of a remarkable woman but also serves as a source of comfort and inspiration for all who read it.
Betty passed away on December 30, 2020 at the age of 92. As her family was preparing for her funeral, Betty’s daughter discovered a tattered and worn blue notebook in her home, entitled “Church House & Ground Minutes.” However, inside the notebook, “Betty’s Bits” was written at the top of the first page in her beautiful cursive writing; she had filled its pages throughout the years with a collection of quotes, writings, and musings.