Question: Who is responsible for making sure the roadway is cleaned up and free from spilled liquids, glass and other car parts from a crash?
Answer: I have noticed that responding agencies and tow companies usually work as a team to treat the injured, direct traffic, investigate the crash and clear the scene as soon as possible for everyone’s safety. This is especially important on roadways with higher speed limits.
Below is a general list of responsibilities at a crash scene, although each scene differs as to the crash severity and what is needed.
Law enforcement general responsibilities are to secure the incident scene, assist disabled vehicles, provide medical aid until help arrives, serve as incident commander along with fire/rescue, direct traffic, conduct crash investigations and supervise scene clearance.
Fire/rescue/EMS crews’ general responsibilities are to protect the incident scene, provide medical care, provide initial HAZMAT response and containment, suppress fire, rescue crash victims from vehicles, provide advance emergency medical care, determine destination and arrange transportation for the injured, remove medical waste from scene, assist in incident clearance and coordinate evacuation with fire, police and ambulance/airlift.
Towing companies’ general responsibilities are to remove vehicles from scene, protect victims’ property and vehicles, provide transportation for uninjured vehicle occupants and remove debris from roadway (scene).
Any questions concerning traffic related laws or issues in Minnesota, send your questions to Trooper Troy Christianson, Minnesota State Patrol, 2900 48th St., NW, Rochester MN 55901-5848; or send an email to: