In an unexpected turn of events, after announcing the Board of Trustees acceptance of Dr. Stephen Nacco’s “retirement resignation,” Thursday evening, Board Chair David Harby — who has served on the board for more than 25 years, making him the longest serving board member in the school’s history — announced his own resignation.
“It’s been an honor and pleasure to serve the college for the last 25 years,” Harby said. “More than one year ago, I had my first stroke. Since September 1, 2023, I’ve had four major health occurrences for which I’ve been hospitalized.”
Harby went on to say that he thought he would have been further along in his recovery by now, but is “patiently progressing.”
“I have the utmost confidence that the board will keep the students and staff first and any personal feelings secondary,” Harby said before thanking his wife and his family.
Harby was careful to dispel any ideas surrounding the timing of his resignation.
“I’m not leaving because we’re getting a new president. I’m leaving for my health. I need to recover And I can’t risk having another setback. I love all of you,” Harby said. “It’s very hard for me but it’s the right thing to do. If I was telling another person what to do, they should resign. And I should listen to my own advice.”