Rossville resident James Chant spent 20 years in debilitating pain after a hockey injury left him with torn ligaments initially misdiagnosed as sprains in both knees.
Now, following two successful knee replacement surgeries performed at Hamilton – Associates in Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Orthopedic Surgery Center (H-AOSM), Chant is living pain-free. The facility is a joint venture between Vitruvian Health, formerly Hamilton Health Care System, and Associates in Orthopedics and Sports Medicine.
“I’ll be 60 years old this year, and I’m excited I’m going to be able to start it playing with my grandkids,” he said. “It’s been more than a surgery. It’s the rebirth of the second part of my life.”
Chant experienced a long journey to healing. Originally from Canada, he grew up playing hockey and led an active life. After his injury, he initially was told he had only sprained his knees.
When the pain didn’t go away, he pursued other treatments, including steroid shots, frequent icing, over-the-counter and prescription pain medications, and changes to his lifestyle. Through it all, he continued his work in church ministry, including outreach programs designed to assist individuals struggling with drugs, alcohol and homelessness.
“You kind of adapt to the pain and start to plan your life around it,” he said. “When my kids were growing up and going to Disney World, I was the guy who had to sit out a day or two. I couldn’t even swim.”
Over time, Chant realized he would need surgery to resolve his pain and reconstruct his right leg, which had become badly disfigured. Although he initially felt anxious about the potential discomfort, the challenging recovery process and the idea of anesthesia, he remained determined. His perseverance led him to search for a compassionate provider who would take the time to understand him as a person and thoroughly address all his concerns.
In late 2023, several people in his circle recommended local orthopedic surgeon J. Mitchell Frix.
When he first walked into H-AOSM at 1104 Professional Blvd. in Dalton with his wife and son, Chant was impressed. It appeared clean and professional, and he noted the facility was up to date with robotic services. But what really eased his anxiety was the people.
The nurses were personable, encouraging and upbeat, and Frix took the time to connect with him on a personal level, he said.
“I wasn’t just a paycheck,” Chant said. “They were really concerned about me as a person.”
Chant’s first knee surgery in February was successful, and the office coordinated quickly to prescribe a new pain medication when the first one didn’t work, he said. Thanks to a positive experience, his anxiety had faded by the time his second knee surgery took place in May.
“I’m glad I got it done,” he said. “I’m walking along now pain-free. It’s changed my life.”
At Be Love Co. in Ringgold, where Chant and his wife Darlene are founding pastors, Chant is now able to stand for the entire service without having to ice his knees afterward. He is especially excited for an upcoming trip to Canada where he will enjoy visiting family and friends pain-free.
He has a son, daughter and two young grandchildren.
Submitted by Vitruvian Health.