At a recent meeting, Danville Lions Club heard the details of the life of a missionary to Cambodia who was visiting with her family.
Missionary Emma Wright has been teaching English to children and adults in Cambodia for eight years to help them gain employment to improve their lives.
Wright ministers to some of the thousands of Cambodians who live along a miles-long railroad track. She volunteers, and does not receive compensation, through an organization: Extreme Love Ministries (ELM). ELM ministers in Cambodia to bring Jesus Christ to millions of residents there, with the intent to end the massive human trafficking occurring there. ELM provides basic necessities to families while working to end human trafficking.
Wright explained that Cambodia was completely devastated by the Vietnam War and Khmer Rouge in the ‘70s and has never fully recovered, still trying to rebuild the institutions and educational system that was destroyed.
When Wright first went to Cambodia she taught for a year at a University where she learned of the human trafficking of millions of innocent people. She left the University to begin teaching English to 1st–12th grade children, which she has done for eight years. Wright explained that she will remain dedicated to her work as long as it takes to see ELM’s Missionary work accomplished.