Amber McNeeley of Crossville, a traveling urgent care clinical tech with a bachelor’s degree in medicine from Tennessee Technological University, has recently published “Faith Over Fear,” a behind-the-scenes look of what it is like to be in the back of an ambulance.
“I have personally been in the back and help treat patients in many emergency situations alongside paramedics for six years,” she said.
Learn medical facts and first aid tips. Learn the equipment and procedures used in the back of an ambulance. Hear her story on the challenge of managing mental health such as anxiety and ADHD and how McNeeley’s relationship with Jesus Christ has helped her in her journey.
McNeeley is an aspiring health professions student with the goal of becoming a physician’s assistant. “As a medical enthusiast, my goal along with being a PA is to be a medical author and teach the world of the crazy and interesting topic that is medicine. I love to share stories and interesting facts about the world of medicine.”
You can find her book on Amazon as an ebook or in paperback as well as the Art Circle Public Library in the Tennessee Authors section.