Do you ever find yourself having regrets about your past or find that you are plagued by fears and worries about what may lie ahead? There is no doubt that as we travel through this life, we will, at one time or another, wish we had done or said things differently, and there are times, too, when we will more than likely be uncertain about what tomorrow will bring.
But the key to overcoming this mindset is to live in and be grateful for the present. Rehashing over or reliving our mistakes of yesterday and being fearful about tomorrow only causes us to miss out on the joy of today, and by simply living one day at a time and savoring every moment that we are given, we find that life is more joyful and productive.
In the New Testament Book of Philippians 3:13, the Apostle Paul reminds us of the importance of letting go of our yesterdays and living in the present as he says that we are to forget the past, all those things that lie behind us that tend to steal our joy and peace. and look forward to what lies ahead.
Here was a man who had reason to forget his past, as he had persecuted many Christians prior to his life-changing conversion, and as he put his past behind him and started anew, he was able to move ahead into the plans that God had for him. Therefore, if we ourselves have done things that we are ashamed of or that we regret, we can ask for forgiveness, let go of what is behind us, and, like Paul, look forward to what God will help us to become.
So, the next time that you begin to live in the past or become filled with apprehension about the future, remember to just simply enjoy the present and live moment by moment with a grateful attitude because as a wise old saying goes, yesterday is a cashed check that cannot be redeemed. Tomorrow is a promissory note that can not be utilized today, and today is cash on hand meant to be spent wisely.
May you, in all of God’s fullness, live each day moment by moment and enjoy the abundant life that he has just for you!