Newly constructed right turn lanes at the intersection of US-72 and Mooresville Road will open this week. Following that, the intersection will undergo overnight closures for pipe installation.
The work is part of a $2.1 million project to improve the intersection with signal upgrades and additions or extensions of right and left turn lanes.
Weather permitting, the contractor will close the inside lanes and left turn lanes from 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 23, to 5 a.m. Wednesday, April 24, and again from 7 p.m. Wednesday to 5 a.m. Thursday, April 25. To go left, motorists will have to make a U-turn or take an alternate route.
The project is funded through the Alabama Transportation Rehabilitation and Improvement Program-II, a program created by the Rebuild Alabama Act to advance projects of local interest on state routes. Local sponsor Limestone County provided matching funds.
Completion is anticipated this summer.
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