“And be sure of this; that I am with you always, even to the end of the world.” These are the actual words that Jesus spoke to his disciples on a mountaintop in Galilee on that calm Sunday morning following his death and resurrection. They are words that most likely soothed their confused and frightened minds as they tried to piece together the cruel, violent death that Jesus went through just three days earlier.
And it was these words that are recorded in the New Testament Book of Matthew 28:20 that no doubt gave them comfort, encouragement, and hope as they witnessed first-hand the return of their leader and friend. Just as Jesus spoke these words to the disciples ages ago, they are meant for us as well as we celebrate his miraculous resurrection and take hold of these encouraging words of assurance.
Most of us are familiar with the Easter story. It is one that brings pain to one’s heart as we recall the senseless act of cruelty that Jesus endured on our behalf. From the mockery and the beatings to the agonizing, painful death he endured on the cross, we can only imagine the intensity of pain and suffering he endured. But as we remember these various events that led to his unjust, harsh treatment and cruel death, there is hope. There is joy. There is a sense of comfort and assurance that we can continually carry with us as we focus on his miraculous resurrection and his promise to always be with us.
But just how is he with us? We can’t see or feel him physically like the disciples did. We can’t touch his delicate hands and feet where the piercing nails were driven. So how can we grasp the sense of his presence with us in our daily lives? Perhaps as we take a brief look at an incident that occurred some time prior to Jesus’ actual death and resurrection, we can get a better understanding of the promise of his presence.
It was as his crucifixion neared that Jesus spent his last hours with the disciples explaining that the gift of the Holy Spirit would be the evidence of God’s presence with them following his death and ascension, and when he met them on the mountaintop on that glorious Easter morning, he gave them his word of assurance that he would always be with them through the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Jesus was with his disciples physically until he ascended into heaven and then he was with them spiritually through the Holy Spirit. This Holy Sprit was his promise that he would never leave them and that he would help them remember all he had taught. This spirit would continually comfort, guide and help them and it is this same spirit that is with us today.
He promises to never leave us and to forever live on the inside of us, comforting, leading and sustaining us for all of our days to come. Therefore, we are never alone. We are never comfortless because he is always with us. Knowing this, we can face and overcome any difficulty, any obstacle, or any challenge that life may bring. What a comfort it is to know that no matter what we face, he is always there ready and willing to walk hand in hand with us as we journey through this life and it is because of this truth that we can have lasting comfort and hope.
So, as you celebrate Christ’s triumph over death and the miracle of his resurrection, remember his words to the disciples that were meant for you as well, that being that he is always with you and will never leave your side. Even though you cannot see or touch him, if you believe in him, he lives on the inside of you in the form of the Holy Sprit and serves as your guide, comforter and helper in all aspects of life.
I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter, one filled with hope, assurance and complete joy. May Jesus’ miraculous resurrection and his promise to always be with you richly dwell within your total being as you focus on and celebrate our risen Lord.