“Shane Kornberg’s article on climate zone change helped me to understand what’s going on where I live.”
“I am so ashamed of the voters of Whitfield County. Only 12% of registered voters voted. Yet all the nonvoters know everything about politics. If you don’t vote you have absolutely zero right to complain about anything. Just go back to your corner and suck your thumb.”
“I have never in my whole life of being a Whitfield County resident seen so many signs and so many political interests as I have now. Not sure why.”
“Dalton has got the worst drivers I have ever seen. They are getting as bad as the big cities. They’re either pulling out in front of you, tailgating you. It’s just getting to the point where you cannot drive and feel safe. I don’t know where some of these people got their license, I don’t know why they’re in such a hurry to get where they’re going, but it is just getting unbelievable about the traffic in Dalton.”
“I think Joe Scarborough on MSNBC has lost his mind.”
“Nikki Haley and Ken Buck need to join up and create their own third party, I’m sure there’s enough idiots out there that would vote for them.”
“Criticizing Marjorie Taylor Greene in the paper, people, is like giving electricity to a dead battery. It keeps her going, she thrives on it, which is typical of negative people.”
“Marjorie Taylor Greene made a complete fool of herself again at the State of the Union message. The problem is when she makes a fool of herself she not only makes a fool of herself but also of all of us who voted for her.”
“I would love to see Joe Biden give a speech, a talk or anything without a teleprompter or a plug in his ear. I’d pay admission.”
“Joe Biden is sending $300 million in military aid to Ukraine while he is allowing thousands of illegal aliens to come across our southern border on a daily basis.”
“People have been coming across the borders since this country has been in existence. We are all migrants. People are being brainwashed about the border, they listen to stuff that’s not true, and they only talk about the southern border, I wonder why.”
“A lot of the money Biden wants for Ukraine would be spent at companies in the U.S. To the person who thinks the money should be spent here, well, a lot of it would be.”
“It is deeply amusing to read the same people who call in day after day telling us how horrible Biden is get mad when he fires back.”
“If Republicans don’t want to be excoriated during the State of the Union, maybe they could try not spending the other 364 days of the year trying to tear it down.”
“Republicans don’t get to spend 40 years trying to pack the Supreme Court with right-wing ideologues and then cry crocodile tears when the president calls the justices out for playing politics. You lost that privilege when you let the Federalist Society have veto power over judicial nominations.”
“Like it or not, Joe Biden has been a better president than the right-wingers will give him credit for.”
“If a juvenile is old enough to commit a felony crime they’re old enough to be tried as an adult.”
“If there’s any proof that China is using TikTok to spy on Americans it should be banned.”