THOMASVILLE- Thomas County Schools recently announced their BEE (Business and Education Exchange) Partners of the Semester for the first half of the school year. Each Thomas County school selects a BEE partner that has worked in some outstanding way with the students and/or staff to make a positive impact for the school.
Melanie Davis, Thomas County Schools Public Relations Director, works with the schools to recognize these valuable partners.
“We are fortunate that so many local businesses and industries have partnered with Thomas County Schools to help make a difference for our students and staff,” Davis said. “Because of these outstanding partnerships, we’re able to do things and provide services that otherwise would not be possible. I’m not only referring to monetary donations either, even though they are a tremendous help to us. I’m also talking about volunteers and the sharing of all kinds of resources.”
1915 South (Ashley Furniture) was selected as Partner of the Semester for Thomas County Middle School. According to TCMS Principal Clay Stanaland, 1915 South was eager to help with the renovation of the teacher’s lounge in the front office.
“When we asked about help with renovating our teacher’s lounge, 1915 South was on board and donated an entire room of furniture,” Stanaland said. “This has provided our teachers and staff a place to come and enjoy at the beginning of the day or during their lunch and have an area to call their own. Their willingness to go above and beyond to create a comfortable and welcoming place for our teachers and staff deserves special recognition.”
Another Partner of the Quarter was Thomasville Toyota. Garrison-Pilcher Elementary School Principal Robin Binion nominated the company for donating $500 to the Wee Bee Booster Christmas Give-A-Way fundraiser.
Binion said, “This generous donation from Thomasville Toyota was a wonderful addition to our fundraiser which helps grow and rejuvenate our school’s booster club that supports students, teachers and the school. The donation allowed for the ‘Shopping Spree’ basket which became one of our best-selling baskets.”
According to Davis, other Partners of the Quarter included Dairy Queen, selected by Hand-In-Hand Primary School; Sea Gate Printing, selected by Cross Creek Elementary; and Southern Regional Technical College Veterinary Program, selected by Thomas County Central High School.
Davis added, “Our business partners do so much for us, and we are grateful for all the help we receive. We are always looking for ways to expand our BEE partnerships even more. We welcome ideas and suggestions, and we encourage any business or agency interested in becoming a part of our BEE initiative to contact us.”
For more information on the Thomas County Schools’ BEE initiative, contact Davis at 229-225-4380, ext. 115.